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it roused the whole house

  • 1 rouse

    1) (to awaken: I'll rouse you at 6 o'clock.) despertar
    2) (to stir or excite: Her interest was roused by what he said.) despertar
    1 (wake) despertar
    2 (provoke) provocar
    1 despertarse
    rouse ['raʊz] vt, roused ; rousing
    1) awake: despertar
    2) excite: excitar
    it roused him to fury: lo enfureció
    atizar v.
    despertar v.
    excitar v.
    levantar v.
    provocar v.
    a) (wake, stir)

    to rouse somebody (FROM o OUT OF something) — despertar* a alguien (de algo)

    b) ( arouse) provocar*

    to rouse somebody TO something: his criticism roused me to action — sus críticas me movieron a hacer algo

    VT [+ person] despertar; [+ interest] despertar, suscitar; [+ anger] provocar

    to rouse o.s. — despertarse

    to rouse o.s. to do sth — animarse a hacer algo

    VI despertar, despertarse
    * * *
    a) (wake, stir)

    to rouse somebody (FROM o OUT OF something) — despertar* a alguien (de algo)

    b) ( arouse) provocar*

    to rouse somebody TO something: his criticism roused me to action — sus críticas me movieron a hacer algo

    English-spanish dictionary > rouse

  • 2 поднимать на ноги

    1. поднимать на ноги кого [subj: human or nouns denoting a substance with a therapeutic effect]
    to cure s.o.:
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <got, set> Y back on Y's feet.
         ♦ Мои приятели были воплощением здоровья, но материнский глаз нашёл в них какую-то перемену к худшему; обо мне же и говорить не приходится; меня сразу объявили заморышем, которого необходимо как можно скорее поставить на ноги (Лившиц 1). My friends were the picture of health, but the maternal eye saw a change for the worse in them; not to mention me - I was declared immediately to be a weakling who had to be put back on his feet as soon as possible (1a).
    2. поднимать на ноги кого [subj: human; more often last van]
    to help s.o. become self-sufficient in life (usu. in refer, to rearing one's child):
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <set, got> Y on Y's feet;
    - X helped Y find Y's feet.
         ♦ [Ксения:] Ты - старый наш слуга, тебя батюшка мой на ноги поставил, ты обо мне подумай... (Горький 2). [К.:] Youyou're an old servant of ours, my father put you on your feet - think about me... (2b).
         ♦ Много горьких жалоб услыхала тесная комната на седьмом этаже... То не хватало денег на ведёрко угля, и дети мёрзли, то протирались штанишки Жано, то надо было купить задачник Аннет. Она всё же поставила детей на ноги (Эренбург 4). Many bitter complaints were heard in the poky little room on the sixth storey.... At times there was not enough money for a bucket of coal and the children froze; or else Jeannot's trousers were worn out or an exercise-book had to be bought for Annette. But she managed to set the children on their feet (4a).
         ♦ Он станет теперь совсем одинок. А у него теперь шестеро детей. И лавка на руках, и поднимай на ноги всю ораву (Булгаков 5). [context transl] Now he would be altogether alone. And he had six children. And the shop was on his hands, and the upbringing of all the children (5a).
    3. поднимать на ноги что [subj: human or collect; obj: collect]
    to strengthen sth., make sth. more solid, independent, capable of functioning productively (again):
    - X поставил Y на ноги X put (got, set) Y (back) on Y's feet (again).
         ♦ " Это [генерал Корнилов] кристальной честности человек, и только он один в состоянии поставить Россию на ноги" (Шолохов 3). " Не [General Kornilov] is a man of perfect integrity and he alone is capable of putting Russia on her feet again" (3a).
    1. поднимать на ноги кого-что [subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)]
    to awaken some person or group of people:
    - X поднял Y-ов на ноги X got (woke) Ys up;
    - X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
         ♦ "Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос..." (Максимов 1). "You roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
         ♦ Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. поднимать на ноги кого-что [subj: human; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv fut]
    to make s.o. act energetically:
    - X поднял Y-а на ноги X roused Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X had Y (out) doing sth.
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." - "Может, все-таки останешься?" - "Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!" (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." "You don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. поднимать на ноги кого-что [subj: human or abstr; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv]
    to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. (usu. a group of people):
    - X поднял на ноги Y-ов X created a commotion among Ys;
    - X stirred Ys up.
         ♦ Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
         ♦ Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). [context transl] On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > поднимать на ноги

  • 3 поднять на ноги

    1. поднять на ноги кого [subj: human or nouns denoting a substance with a therapeutic effect]
    to cure s.o.:
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <got, set> Y back on Y's feet.
         ♦ Мои приятели были воплощением здоровья, но материнский глаз нашёл в них какую-то перемену к худшему; обо мне же и говорить не приходится; меня сразу объявили заморышем, которого необходимо как можно скорее поставить на ноги (Лившиц 1). My friends were the picture of health, but the maternal eye saw a change for the worse in them; not to mention me - I was declared immediately to be a weakling who had to be put back on his feet as soon as possible (1a).
    2. поднять на ноги кого [subj: human; more often last van]
    to help s.o. become self-sufficient in life (usu. in refer, to rearing one's child):
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <set, got> Y on Y's feet;
    - X helped Y find Y's feet.
         ♦ [Ксения:] Ты - старый наш слуга, тебя батюшка мой на ноги поставил, ты обо мне подумай... (Горький 2). [К.:] Youyou're an old servant of ours, my father put you on your feet - think about me... (2b).
         ♦ Много горьких жалоб услыхала тесная комната на седьмом этаже... То не хватало денег на ведёрко угля, и дети мёрзли, то протирались штанишки Жано, то надо было купить задачник Аннет. Она всё же поставила детей на ноги (Эренбург 4). Many bitter complaints were heard in the poky little room on the sixth storey.... At times there was not enough money for a bucket of coal and the children froze; or else Jeannot's trousers were worn out or an exercise-book had to be bought for Annette. But she managed to set the children on their feet (4a).
         ♦ Он станет теперь совсем одинок. А у него теперь шестеро детей. И лавка на руках, и поднимай на ноги всю ораву (Булгаков 5). [context transl] Now he would be altogether alone. And he had six children. And the shop was on his hands, and the upbringing of all the children (5a).
    3. поднять на ноги что [subj: human or collect; obj: collect]
    to strengthen sth., make sth. more solid, independent, capable of functioning productively (again):
    - X поставил Y на ноги X put (got, set) Y (back) on Y's feet (again).
         ♦ " Это [генерал Корнилов] кристальной честности человек, и только он один в состоянии поставить Россию на ноги" (Шолохов 3). " Не [General Kornilov] is a man of perfect integrity and he alone is capable of putting Russia on her feet again" (3a).
    1. поднять на ноги кого-что [subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)]
    to awaken some person or group of people:
    - X поднял Y-ов на ноги X got (woke) Ys up;
    - X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
         ♦ "Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос..." (Максимов 1). "You roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
         ♦ Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. поднять на ноги кого-что [subj: human; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv fut]
    to make s.o. act energetically:
    - X поднял Y-а на ноги X roused Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X had Y (out) doing sth.
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." - "Может, все-таки останешься?" - "Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!" (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." "You don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. поднять на ноги кого-что [subj: human or abstr; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv]
    to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. (usu. a group of people):
    - X поднял на ноги Y-ов X created a commotion among Ys;
    - X stirred Ys up.
         ♦ Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
         ♦ Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). [context transl] On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > поднять на ноги

  • 4 подымать на ноги

    1. подымать на ноги кого [subj: human or nouns denoting a substance with a therapeutic effect]
    to cure s.o.:
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <got, set> Y back on Y's feet.
         ♦ Мои приятели были воплощением здоровья, но материнский глаз нашёл в них какую-то перемену к худшему; обо мне же и говорить не приходится; меня сразу объявили заморышем, которого необходимо как можно скорее поставить на ноги (Лившиц 1). My friends were the picture of health, but the maternal eye saw a change for the worse in them; not to mention me - I was declared immediately to be a weakling who had to be put back on his feet as soon as possible (1a).
    2. подымать на ноги кого [subj: human; more often last van]
    to help s.o. become self-sufficient in life (usu. in refer, to rearing one's child):
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <set, got> Y on Y's feet;
    - X helped Y find Y's feet.
         ♦ [Ксения:] Ты - старый наш слуга, тебя батюшка мой на ноги поставил, ты обо мне подумай... (Горький 2). [К.:] Youyou're an old servant of ours, my father put you on your feet - think about me... (2b).
         ♦ Много горьких жалоб услыхала тесная комната на седьмом этаже... То не хватало денег на ведёрко угля, и дети мёрзли, то протирались штанишки Жано, то надо было купить задачник Аннет. Она всё же поставила детей на ноги (Эренбург 4). Many bitter complaints were heard in the poky little room on the sixth storey.... At times there was not enough money for a bucket of coal and the children froze; or else Jeannot's trousers were worn out or an exercise-book had to be bought for Annette. But she managed to set the children on their feet (4a).
         ♦ Он станет теперь совсем одинок. А у него теперь шестеро детей. И лавка на руках, и поднимай на ноги всю ораву (Булгаков 5). [context transl] Now he would be altogether alone. And he had six children. And the shop was on his hands, and the upbringing of all the children (5a).
    3. подымать на ноги что [subj: human or collect; obj: collect]
    to strengthen sth., make sth. more solid, independent, capable of functioning productively (again):
    - X поставил Y на ноги X put (got, set) Y (back) on Y's feet (again).
         ♦ " Это [генерал Корнилов] кристальной честности человек, и только он один в состоянии поставить Россию на ноги" (Шолохов 3). " Не [General Kornilov] is a man of perfect integrity and he alone is capable of putting Russia on her feet again" (3a).
    1. подымать на ноги кого-что [subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)]
    to awaken some person or group of people:
    - X поднял Y-ов на ноги X got (woke) Ys up;
    - X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
         ♦ "Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос..." (Максимов 1). "You roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
         ♦ Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. подымать на ноги кого-что [subj: human; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv fut]
    to make s.o. act energetically:
    - X поднял Y-а на ноги X roused Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X had Y (out) doing sth.
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." - "Может, все-таки останешься?" - "Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!" (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." "You don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. подымать на ноги кого-что [subj: human or abstr; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv]
    to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. (usu. a group of people):
    - X поднял на ноги Y-ов X created a commotion among Ys;
    - X stirred Ys up.
         ♦ Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
         ♦ Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). [context transl] On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > подымать на ноги

  • 5 поставить на ноги

    1. поставить на ноги кого [subj: human or nouns denoting a substance with a therapeutic effect]
    to cure s.o.:
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <got, set> Y back on Y's feet.
         ♦ Мои приятели были воплощением здоровья, но материнский глаз нашёл в них какую-то перемену к худшему; обо мне же и говорить не приходится; меня сразу объявили заморышем, которого необходимо как можно скорее поставить на ноги (Лившиц 1). My friends were the picture of health, but the maternal eye saw a change for the worse in them; not to mention me - I was declared immediately to be a weakling who had to be put back on his feet as soon as possible (1a).
    2. поставить на ноги кого [subj: human; more often last van]
    to help s.o. become self-sufficient in life (usu. in refer, to rearing one's child):
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <set, got> Y on Y's feet;
    - X helped Y find Y's feet.
         ♦ [Ксения:] Ты - старый наш слуга, тебя батюшка мой на ноги поставил, ты обо мне подумай... (Горький 2). [К.:] Youyou're an old servant of ours, my father put you on your feet - think about me... (2b).
         ♦ Много горьких жалоб услыхала тесная комната на седьмом этаже... То не хватало денег на ведёрко угля, и дети мёрзли, то протирались штанишки Жано, то надо было купить задачник Аннет. Она всё же поставила детей на ноги (Эренбург 4). Many bitter complaints were heard in the poky little room on the sixth storey.... At times there was not enough money for a bucket of coal and the children froze; or else Jeannot's trousers were worn out or an exercise-book had to be bought for Annette. But she managed to set the children on their feet (4a).
         ♦ Он станет теперь совсем одинок. А у него теперь шестеро детей. И лавка на руках, и поднимай на ноги всю ораву (Булгаков 5). [context transl] Now he would be altogether alone. And he had six children. And the shop was on his hands, and the upbringing of all the children (5a).
    3. поставить на ноги что [subj: human or collect; obj: collect]
    to strengthen sth., make sth. more solid, independent, capable of functioning productively (again):
    - X поставил Y на ноги X put (got, set) Y (back) on Y's feet (again).
         ♦ " Это [генерал Корнилов] кристальной честности человек, и только он один в состоянии поставить Россию на ноги" (Шолохов 3). " Не [General Kornilov] is a man of perfect integrity and he alone is capable of putting Russia on her feet again" (3a).
    1. поставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)]
    to awaken some person or group of people:
    - X поднял Y-ов на ноги X got (woke) Ys up;
    - X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
         ♦ "Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос..." (Максимов 1). "You roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
         ♦ Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. поставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv fut]
    to make s.o. act energetically:
    - X поднял Y-а на ноги X roused Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X had Y (out) doing sth.
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." - "Может, все-таки останешься?" - "Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!" (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." "You don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. поставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human or abstr; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv]
    to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. (usu. a group of people):
    - X поднял на ноги Y-ов X created a commotion among Ys;
    - X stirred Ys up.
         ♦ Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
         ♦ Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). [context transl] On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > поставить на ноги

  • 6 ставить на ноги

    1. ставить на ноги кого [subj: human or nouns denoting a substance with a therapeutic effect]
    to cure s.o.:
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <got, set> Y back on Y's feet.
         ♦ Мои приятели были воплощением здоровья, но материнский глаз нашёл в них какую-то перемену к худшему; обо мне же и говорить не приходится; меня сразу объявили заморышем, которого необходимо как можно скорее поставить на ноги (Лившиц 1). My friends were the picture of health, but the maternal eye saw a change for the worse in them; not to mention me - I was declared immediately to be a weakling who had to be put back on his feet as soon as possible (1a).
    2. ставить на ноги кого [subj: human; more often last van]
    to help s.o. become self-sufficient in life (usu. in refer, to rearing one's child):
    - X поставил Y-а на ноги X put <set, got> Y on Y's feet;
    - X helped Y find Y's feet.
         ♦ [Ксения:] Ты - старый наш слуга, тебя батюшка мой на ноги поставил, ты обо мне подумай... (Горький 2). [К.:] Youyou're an old servant of ours, my father put you on your feet - think about me... (2b).
         ♦ Много горьких жалоб услыхала тесная комната на седьмом этаже... То не хватало денег на ведёрко угля, и дети мёрзли, то протирались штанишки Жано, то надо было купить задачник Аннет. Она всё же поставила детей на ноги (Эренбург 4). Many bitter complaints were heard in the poky little room on the sixth storey.... At times there was not enough money for a bucket of coal and the children froze; or else Jeannot's trousers were worn out or an exercise-book had to be bought for Annette. But she managed to set the children on their feet (4a).
         ♦ Он станет теперь совсем одинок. А у него теперь шестеро детей. И лавка на руках, и поднимай на ноги всю ораву (Булгаков 5). [context transl] Now he would be altogether alone. And he had six children. And the shop was on his hands, and the upbringing of all the children (5a).
    3. ставить на ноги что [subj: human or collect; obj: collect]
    to strengthen sth., make sth. more solid, independent, capable of functioning productively (again):
    - X поставил Y на ноги X put (got, set) Y (back) on Y's feet (again).
         ♦ " Это [генерал Корнилов] кристальной честности человек, и только он один в состоянии поставить Россию на ноги" (Шолохов 3). " Не [General Kornilov] is a man of perfect integrity and he alone is capable of putting Russia on her feet again" (3a).
    1. ставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)]
    to awaken some person or group of people:
    - X поднял Y-ов на ноги X got (woke) Ys up;
    - X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
         ♦ "Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос..." (Максимов 1). "You roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
         ♦ Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. ставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv fut]
    to make s.o. act energetically:
    - X поднял Y-а на ноги X roused Y;
    - [in limited contexts] X had Y (out) doing sth.
         ♦ "Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину..." - "Может, все-таки останешься?" - "Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!" (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." "You don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. ставить на ноги кого-что [subj: human or abstr; obj: human pl or collect; more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять; usu. pfv]
    to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. (usu. a group of people):
    - X поднял на ноги Y-ов X created a commotion among Ys;
    - X stirred Ys up.
         ♦ Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
         ♦ Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). [context transl] On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ставить на ноги

  • 7 Н-154

    1. \Н-154 кого-что (subj: human or a noun denoting a sound (variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять only)) to awaken some person or group of people
    X поднял Y-ов на ноги - X got (woke) Ys up
    X roused Ys X got Ys out of bed (out of their beds).
    «Заявляетесь ночью в пьяном виде, поднимаете на ноги весь дом, и у вас ещё хватает совести повышать на меня голос...» (Максимов 1). uYou roll up drunk in the middle of the night, you wake up the whole house, and still you have the gall to raise your voice to me" (1a).
    Собаки залаяли. Значит, жена тревожит, поднимает боранлинцев на ноги (Айтматов 2). The dogs were barking...so evidently his wife was busy spreading the news and getting the people of Boranly out of their beds (2a).
    2. - кого-что (subj: human
    obj: human pl or collect more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять usu. pfv fut) to make s.o. act energetically
    X поднял Y-a на ноги = X roused Y
    X got Y moving (in limited contexts) X had Y (out) doing sth.
    «Боже мой, без двадцати двенадцать! Мама, наверное, с ума сошла. Я обещала быть к ужину...» - «Может, все-таки останешься?» - «Нет, что ты! Она подымет на ноги всю московскую милицию!» (Ерофеев 3). "Oh my God, its twenty of twelve! Mama's probably crazy with worry. I promised to be home for supper...." uYou don't think you could stay?" "No, its out of the question! She'd have the whole Moscow police force out looking for me!" (3a).
    3. \Н-154 кого-что (subj: human or abstr
    obj: human pl or collect more often variants поднимать (подымать)/поднять usu. pfv) to agitate, disturb, arouse s.o. ( usu. a group of people)
    X поднял на ноги Y-ов - X created a commotion among Ys
    X stirred Ys up.
    Слух о мобилизации поднял всех на ноги. The rumor about mobilization stirred everyone up.
    Одиннадцатого октября, в тот самый день, когда в главной квартире всё было поднято на ноги известием о поражении Мака, в штабе эскадрона походная жизнь спокойно шла по-старому (Толстой 4). ( context transl) On the eighth of October, the day when at headquarters all was in a turmoil over the news of Mack's defeat, the camp life of the officers in this squadron was quietly proceeding as usual (4a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Н-154

  • 8 KVEÐJA

    (kveð, kvaddi, kvaddr), v.
    1) to call on, summon (Þórvaldr kvaddi húskarla sína);
    kveðja e-n e-s, to request (demand) of one;
    kveðja matar, svefns, to call for food, sleep;
    kveðja sér hljóðs, to call for a hearing;
    kveðja þings, to convoke a meeting;
    kveðja e-n e-s, to call on, summon, one to do something (vóru vér kvaddir at bera vitni þat);
    2) to welcome, greet (þeir kvöddu konung);
    of one departing, to bid farewell, take leave of (hann gengr nú í brott ok kveðr engan mann);
    refl., kveðjast, to greet one another (þeir kvöddust vel);
    3) with preps.:
    kveðja e-n at e-u, to call on a person to do a thing, call his attention to (þik kveð ek at þessu);
    kveðja e-n frá e-u, to exclude from, deprive of (ek hefi opt menn frá æfi kvadda, er eigi vildu hlýða mínum boðum);
    kveðja e-n til e-s, to call on one for a thing (kveðja menn til ferðar);
    kveðja e-n upp, to call on one to rise (síðan vaknaði Haraldr ok kvaddi upp menn sína); to summon to arms;
    síðan safnaði hann liði ok kveðr upp almenning, after that he gathered men and roused the whole country;
    kveðja e-n út, to call one out of the house (hann kvaddi út Höskuld ok Hrút).
    f. welcome, greeting, salutation (konungr tók kveðju hans).
    * * *
    pres. kveð; pret. kvaddi; imperat. kveð, kveðþú, kveþþu, Hm. 127 (Bugge); part. kvaddr: with neg. suff., pres. indic. kveð-ka, Ls. 10: [see kveða]:—to call on, address, request, summon; Þorvaldr kvaddi húskarla sína, Nj. 18, Eb. 314: with gen. of the thing, acc. of the person, k. e-n e-s, ok er þess mest ván at ek kveðja þik þess eigi optar, Fms. iv. 38; k. dura, to call at the door, Skálda 163, Fms. ii. 194, vi. 21; k. matar, svefns, to call for food, sleep, Bs. i. 366; k. sér hljóðs, to call for a hearing, Nj. 105, Ísl. ii. 255, Rekst. 1; k. e-n at óði, to call one to listen to one’s song, Jd. 1, Leiðarv. 2.
    2. with prepp.; k. e-n at e-u, to call on a person to do a thing, call his attention to; þik kveð ek at þessu, Nj. 150; hann vildi, jafnan at Ólafr væri at kvaddr öllum stórmælum, Ld. 94; kvaddi hann at því Gregorium Dagsson, Fms. vii. 256; kvaddi hann þar at Erling Skakka, 257; Björn kveð ek at þessu, Ld. 14:—k. e-n brott af, frá, to call on one to go; eigi hefir ek yðr … brott kvatt af mínum garði, Fas. i. 71:—k. e-n frá, Nj. 170; ek hefi menn optlega kvadda frá erfðum, Fms. i. 305:—k. e-n til e-s, to call on one for a thing; kveð ek hann til farar með þér, … hann skaltú k. til föruneytis með þér … ekki skaltú hann k. til þessar ferðar, Ísl. ii. 322, 323; þá skaltú k. menn til ferðar með þér, Nj. 14:—k. upp, to call up; k. upp alla þá menn er mikils eru virðir, Fms. xi. 120; samnaði liði ok kvaddi upp almenning, Nj. 107, Fms. vi. 179:—hann kvaddi út Höskuld ok Rút, Nj. 21:—with dat., eigi kann ek þat at mínu ráði sjá, at kveðja í burtu mönnum Þorgils, ok förunautum, Sturl. i. 22.
    II. in law, a general term, to request, demand, summon, call on one to perform any legal duty, as also to challenge, appeal to, and the like, according to the context; svá skal mann kveðja, nemna mann þann á nafn, ok kveði hann gripar þess er hann á at honum, ok nemni gripinn, ok kveði hann laga kvöð ok lyritar, N. G. L. i. 218, 219; kvaddi hann svá at vér heyrðum á, kvaddi hann um handselt mál Þorgeirs, Nj. 238; gögn þau öll er áðr var til kvatt, Grág. i. 106; kveð ek yðr lögkvöð, Nj. 218; berum vér svá skapaðan kvið fram, sem Mörðr kvaddi oss, 238; þeir kvöddu fjóra búa ór kviðinum, they challenged four neighbours, 110; kveð ek yðr svá at þér heyrit á sjálfir, 218; stefna, ok kveðja til tólptar-kviðar, Grág. i. 213, 214;—kveðja búa heiman, to summon neighbours ( jurors) at their home (heiman-kvöð), a law phrase, opp. to kveðja búa á þingi, to summon them in parliament (þinga-kvöð), passim in Grág. and the Sagas, see kvöð; hann kvaddi búa til máls, Nj. 36; þú kvaddir Keisarann til þíns máls, they appealed to Caesar, Post.; kveð ek yðr um handselt mál N. M., Nj. 218.
    2. with gen. of the thing, to call, summon; kveðja þings, to convoke a meeting, Fms. i. 149, vi. 12 (acc., Fb. i. 565, wrongly); k. móts, Fms. vii. 60; k. tólptar-kviðar, Grág. i. 34; k. laga, D. N.; k. féránsdóms, 81; k. fjár, 402, N. G. L. i. 23; k. sér griða, Bs. i. 544:—k. e-n e-s, to summon, call on a person to perform a duty; k. goða tólptar-kviðar, Grág. i. 105; k. búa bjargkviðar, Nj. 110; kveð ek yðr þeirra orða allra er yðr skylda lög til um at bera, 218, 238; vóru vér kvaddir at bera vitni þat, 238.
    III. to welcome, greet; þeir kvöddu konung. Am. 6, Eg. 28, Nj. 3; hann var svá kátr at hvert barn kvaddi hann hlæjandi, Fms. vii. 172; kyssa ok kveðja, Hkv. 13: of one departing, hann gengr nú í brott ok kveðr engan mann, Band. 4 new Ed.
    2. recipr. to greet one another; þeir kvöddusk vel, Ísl. ii. 355, passim, see heilsa and the remarks there made: k. e-n heipta, to lay imprecations on one, Hm. 152, cp. 138.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > KVEÐJA

  • 9 ставить на ноги

    1) ( вылечивать) get (put) smb. on his (her) feet; have smb. back on his (her) feet

    - Ах, зачем я не знала, что вы захворали! - воскликнула она с нетерпеливым сожалением. - Я бы в один день вас на ноги поставила... (А. Куприн, Олеся) — 'If only I'd known you were ill!' she cried, with impatient regret. 'I'd have had you back on your feet in a day.'

    В своей жизни я вылечил неисчислимое множество больных, но Иван Акимович, наверно, самый памятный мой пациент. Я выходил его, поставил на ноги, он жил ещё не один год. (Н. Евдокимов, Страстная площадь) — In my lifetime I have cured a multitude of the ill, but Ivan Akimovich was probably my most memorable patient. I pulled him through, put him on his feet again, and he lived for several more years.

    2) (растить, воспитывать, доводить до самостоятельности) put (set) smb. on his (her) feet; give smb. a start in life

    - Мне сорок стукнуло. Детей хочу. А их надо успеть на ноги поставить. (Д. Гранин, Дождь в чужом городе) — 'I'm forty and I want children. And you've got to have time to give them a start in life.'

    3) (побуждать, заставлять активно действовать) rouse many people to action

    [Лиза] кинулась за водой и поднесла ему стакан, но он отмахнулся, расплескал воду и принялся кричать ещё пронзительней. Постепенно весь дом был поднят на ноги, и тётушка прибежала из своей половины. Кое-как Витюшу отвели в постель. (К. Федин, Первые радости) — Liza ran for some water and offered him a glass but he dashed it aside, splashing the water about, and uttering still more piercing screams. Gradually he roused the whole household, and his aunt came running in from her part of the house. They managed to get Victor to bed.

    4) (вызывать суматоху, суету, переполох) alarm, agitate smb.; cause a panic (commotion)

    Внезапный приезд губернатора поднял на ноги и ошеломил всю усадьбу. (А. Чехов, Тайный советник) — The sudden arrival of the governor caused a general commotion in the estate.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ставить на ноги

  • 10 kveðja

    (kveð, kvaddi, kvaddr), v.
    1) to call on, summon (Þórvaldr kvaddi húskarla sína);
    kveðja e-n e-s, to request (demand) of one;
    kveðja matar, svefns, to call for food, sleep;
    kveðja sér hljóðs, to call for a hearing;
    kveðja þings, to convoke a meeting;
    kveðja e-n e-s, to call on, summon, one to do something (vóru vér kvaddir at bera vitni þat);
    2) to welcome, greet (þeir kvöddu konung);
    of one departing, to bid farewell, take leave of (hann gengr nú í brott ok kveðr engan mann);
    refl., kveðjast, to greet one another (þeir kvöddust vel);
    3) with preps.:
    kveðja e-n at e-u, to call on a person to do a thing, call his attention to (þik kveð ek at þessu);
    kveðja e-n frá e-u, to exclude from, deprive of (ek hefi opt menn frá æfi kvadda, er eigi vildu hlýða mínum boðum);
    kveðja e-n til e-s, to call on one for a thing (kveðja menn til ferðar);
    kveðja e-n upp, to call on one to rise (síðan vaknaði Haraldr ok kvaddi upp menn sína); to summon to arms;
    síðan safnaði hann liði ok kveðr upp almenning, after that he gathered men and roused the whole country;
    kveðja e-n út, to call one out of the house (hann kvaddi út Höskuld ok Hrút).
    f. welcome, greeting, salutation (konungr tók kveðju hans).
    * * *
    u, f. a welcome, greeting; konungr tók kveðju hans, Eg. 63, passim, Matth. i. 29: also of one absent, hann sagði þeim kveðju Gunnhildar, Nj. 5; bar hann konungi kveðju Þórólfs, Eg. 53; þeir skyldu segja konungi kveðju hans, Fms. x. 290; kveðju-sending, sending one’s greeting, compliments, vi. 92, vii. 103, Sturl. ii. 149: salutation, in the formula at the beginning of a letter, Ingi konungr sendir kveðju Sigurði konungi, Fms. vii. 220; N. M. sendir N. M. kveðju Guðs ok sína, D. I. passim:—in mod. usage the address on a letter is called kveðju.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > kveðja

  • 11 quanto

    1. adj how much
    tutto quanto il libro the whole book
    tutti quanti pl every single one sg
    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? what is the date today?, what is today's date?
    2. adv: quanto dura ancora? how long will it go on for?
    quanto a me as for me
    quanto costa? how much is it?
    quanto prima as soon as possible
    in quanto since, because
    per quanto ne sappia as far as I know
    3. m: teoria f dei quanti quantum theory
    * * *
    quanto1 agg.interr.
    1 how much; pl. how many: quanto zucchero metti nel caffè?, how much sugar do you put in your coffee?; quanto denaro vi occorre?, how much money do you need?; quanti dischi hai?, how many records have you got?; quante lezioni comprende il corso?, how many lessons does the course consist of?; quanti giorni starai via?, how many days will you be away?; sai quanti spettatori c'erano allo stadio?, do you know how many spectators there were at the ground?; non so quante settimane durerà la mostra, I don't know how many weeks (o how long) the exhibition will last; dimmi quanto pane devo comprare, tell me how much bread I am to get // quanti anni hai?, how old are you?
    2 quanto tempo, how long: quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare alla stazione?, how long does it take to get to the station?; non so quanto tempo mi fermerò qui, I don't know how long I'll stay here // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto è che non lo vedi?, how long is it since you saw him?; da quanto mi aspetti?, how long have you been waiting for me?; quanto dovrai lavorare ancora?, how much longer have you got to work?; di quanto sono in ritardo?, how late am I?; fra quanto saremo a Roma?, how long before we get to Rome?; ogni quanto passa l'autobus?, how often (o how frequently) does the bus run?
    3 ( in espressioni ellittiche non di tempo): quanto costa?, how much is it?; quanto ha di febbre?, what's his temperature?; quanti ne abbiamo oggi?, what's the date today?; quanto c'è da qui alla stazione?, how far is it to the station?; non so quanto valga questo anello, I don't know how much this ring is worth
    agg.escl. what (a lot of); how: quanto gasolio abbiamo consumato quest'anno!, what a lot of oil we've used this year!; quanto tempo ci hai messo!, what a long time you've been!; quanto freddo abbiamo patito!, how cold it was!; quanto interesse ha suscitato!, what a lot of interest it roused!; quanti giorni sono passati!, how long it's been!; quante me ne ha dette!, how he insulted me! // In espressioni ellittiche: quanto tempo sprecato!, what a lot of time wasted!; quante parole inutili!, what a load of rubbish!; quanti complimenti!, what a lot of fuss!
    agg.rel. ( tutto quello che) as... as...: lo puoi tenere quanto tempo vuoi, you can keep it as long as you like; prendi pure quanto denaro ti occorre, take as much money as you need.
    quanto1 avv.
    1 interr. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how much: quanto è largo?, how wide is it?; quanto è lontana la chiesa?, how far is the church?; quanto bevi di solito?, how much do you usually drink?; quanto sei alto?, how tall are you?; gli chiesi quanto si fosse divertito, I asked him how much he had enjoyed himself; non so quanto l'abbia apprezzato, I don't know how much he appreciated it; chiedono molto per quella casa, ma non ti so dire quanto, they are asking a great deal for that house, but I can't tell you how much // si è pentito e Dio sa quanto!, God only knows how much he regretted it!
    2 escl. (con un agg.) how; (con un v.) how (much): quanto è bello!, how beautiful it is!; quanto sono felice di rivederti!, how happy I am to see you again!; quanto mi piace!, how I love it!; chissà quanto desiderava di ritornare!, goodness knows how much he longed to return!; non sai quanto ti ho pensato!, you don't know how much I thought about you!; hanno riso, e quanto!, how they laughed!
    3 (in corr. con tanto) as: è ( tanto) studioso quanto intelligente, he is as studious as he is intelligent; è ( tanto) affabile quanto lui, she is as friendly as he is; ho lavorato ( tanto) quanto lui, I worked as hard as he did (o as him); non è ( tanto) facile quanto tu credi, it isn't as (o so) easy as you think; è ( tanto) curioso quanto una scimmia, he's as curious as a cat // quanto più... tanto più, meno più, meno avv. // tanto... quanto, (sia... sia) both... and: tanto io quanto mio fratello, both my brother and I; si è venduto tanto la casa quanto l'automobile, he sold both his house and his car // non tanto per... quanto per, not so much for... but (o as) for: non è stato tanto per negligenza quanto per ingenuità, it wasn't so much for negligence as for naïvety
    4 (in frasi comparative o per rafforzare un superl.): è stimato più di quanto meriti, he's more admired than he deserves; sono arrivato prima di quanto pensassi, I arrived sooner than I expected; si doveva intervenire quanto più rapidamente possibile, it was necessary to intervene as quickly (o as fast) as possible // quanto mai, extremely, very much indeed: mi sono divertito quanto mai, I enjoyed myself very much indeed (o fam. I had a whale of a time); è una persona quanto mai garbata, he's an extremely courteous person // quanto prima prima // quanto meno meno avv. // quant'è vero Dio!, as God's my judge!; quant'è vero che mi chiamo..., as sure as my name is...
    ◆ FRASEOLOGIA: quanto a, as for; ( circa) as to: quanto a te, as for you; quanto agli altri, non ne so nulla, I don't know anything as to the others; quanto a fermarmi una settimana, dovrò pensarci su, as to staying a week, I'll have to think about it // in quanto ( che), ( poiché) since (o as); ( per il fatto che) because: in quanto minorenne, non ha diritto di voto, since (o as) he is under age, he can't vote; non ti ho telefonato in quanto ( che) credevo che non fossi in casa, I didn't phone you, as I thought you weren't in // in quanto, ( in qualità di) as: solo lui, in quanto medico, fu autorizzato a vedere il paziente, only he, as a doctor, was allowed to see the patient // per quanto (con agg. e avv.) however; ( con verbi) although: per quanto indaffarato sia..., however busy you are...; per quanto camminassi in fretta, non riuscii a raggiungerli, although I walked fast I was unable to catch up with them; per quanto, è pur sempre un affare, it's still a bargain, however // tanto quanto, tanto o quanto, ( pressappoco) more or less: ''Sarà costato qualche milione'' ''Sì, tanto quanto'', ''It must have cost a few million'' ''Yes, more or less'' // oggi non gli si può parlare, da quanto è nervoso, (fam.) you can't say a word to him today as he is so uptight.
    quanto1 pron.interr. how much; pl. how many: quanto ne vuoi?, how much do you want (of it)?; quanti ne hai presi?, how many did you get (of them)?; quanti hanno accettato?, how many have they accepted?; quanti di voi sono d'accordo?, how many of you agree?; non so quanti aderirono alla proposta, I don't know how many agreed to the proposal // quanto c'è di vero in quello che dice?, how much truth is there in what he says?
    pron.escl. what a lot (of): quanto ne hai consumato!, what a lot you've used!; che bei fiori, e quanti!, what a lot of lovely flowers!; quanti sono intervenuti alla cerimonia!, what a lot of people came to the ceremony!
    1 ( ciò che) what; ( tutto ciò che) all (that): ho quanto mi occorre, I have what (o all) I need; ha fatto quanto ha potuto, he did what he could; quanto ho è a tua disposizione, what (o all) I have is at your disposal; non credere a quanto ti dicono, don't believe what they tell you; c'è molto di vero in quanto afferma, there's a lot of truth in what he says; non dire a nessuno quanto ti ho confidato, don't tell anyone what I let you in on; lo deduco da quanto mi avete detto voi, I guess it from what you told me // quanto di meglio, di peggio, the best, the worst: è quanto di meglio si possa trovare sul mercato in fatto di computer, it's the best computer you can find on the market // in risposta a quanto sopra, in reply to the above // quanto basta, ( con riferimento a dosaggio) sufficient... (to) // per quanto io ne sappia, as far as I know // per quanto si sforzi, non riesce a rendersi simpatica, however hard she tries, she isn't very likable // a quanto dicono..., according to what they say... // questo è quanto, that's all (o that's it)
    2 pl. ( tutti coloro che) all those (who), whoever (con costr. sing.): quanti desiderano iscriversi, possono farne richiesta, all those wishing to register can apply to do so; era sempre pronto a dare un consiglio a quanti glielo chiedevano, he was always ready to give advice to whoever asked him for any
    3 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: ha speso ( tanto) quanto ha guadagnato, he spent as much as he earned; ''Quanti moduli occorrono?'' ''Tanti quanti sono i candidati'', ''How many forms are needed?'' ''As many as there are candidates''
    4 ( in correlazione con tanto) as: possiede tanto denaro quanto tu non immagini, he has as much money as you could ever imagine; non ho tanta pazienza quanta ne ha lei, I haven't got as much patience as she has; c'erano tanti posti quanti erano gli invitati, there were as many seats as there were guests; ha tante preoccupazioni quante ne abbiamo noi, he has as many worries as we have; non ho tanti amici quanti ne hai tu, I haven't as many friends as you have // sono partiti tutti quanti, everyone has left; ha perso tutto quanto, he lost everything; si è sporcato tutto quanto, he got all dirty
    5 ( in frasi comparative) than: abbiamo ottenuto più, meno di quanto pensassimo, we got more, less than we expected.
    quanto2 s.m.
    1 ( quantità) quantity: fissare un quanto, to fix a quantity
    2 (fis.) quantum*: teoria dei quanti, quantum theory; quanto d'azione, quantum of action.
    * * *
    ['kwanto] I quanto (-a)
    1. agg
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanti anni hai? — how old are you?

    quanti metri desidera? — how many metres would you like?

    quanti soldi ti hanno chiesto? — how much did they ask you (for it)?

    quanta stoffa ti serve? — how much material do you need?

    quanto tempo? — how long?, how much time?

    quanto tempo ci metti da qui all'ufficio? — how long does it take you from here to the office?

    quante volte? — how often?, how many times?


    (esclamativo) quante storie! — what a fuss!

    quanto tempo sprecato! — what a waste of time!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    ti darò quanto denaro ti serve — I'll give you as much money as you need

    prendi quanti libri vuoi — take as many books as you want

    fermati quanto tempo vuoi — stay as long as you want

    2. pron
    1) (interrogativo: quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    quanto costa? — how much does it cost?

    quanto credi costerà? — how much do you think it will cost?

    quanto è da qui al negozio? — how far is it from here to the shop?

    quanti di loro? — how many of them?

    quanto ci hai messo a farlo? — how long did it take you to do it?

    quanti ne desidera? — how many do you want?

    quanti ne abbiamo oggi? — what's the date today?

    quanto stai via? — how long will you be away?

    so che devo prendere del pane, ma non so quanto — I know I must get some bread, but I don't know how much

    quant'è? — how much is it?


    (esclamativo) vedi quanti hanno accettato! — see how many have accepted!

    quante me ne ha dette! (insulti) the way he insulted me!, (bugie) the number of lies he told me!

    3) (relativo: quantità) as much as, (numero) as many as

    gli darò quanto chiedeI'll give him what o as much as he asks for

    è quanto di meglio potessi trovare — it's the best you could find

    a quanto dice lui — according to him

    in risposta a quanto esposto nella sua lettera... — in answer to the points raised in your letter...

    saranno scelti quanti hanno fatto domanda in tempo — all (those) whose applications arrived in time will be selected

    per quanto ne so — as far as I know

    faremo quanto potremo per aiutarti — we'll do all we can o as much as we can to help you

    era tanto felice quanto non lo era mai stato — he was happier than he had ever been

    spende tanto denaro quanto ne guadagna — he spends all that o every penny he earns, he spends as much as he earns

    II ['kwanto] avv
    1) (quantità) how much, (numero) how many

    sapessi quanto abbiamo camminato! — if you knew how far we have walked!

    quanto fumi al giorno? — how many (cigarettes) do you smoke a day?

    Dio solo sa quanto mi sono arrabbiato! — God only knows how angry I was!

    quanto pesi? — how much do you weigh?

    quanto sono felice! — how happy I am!

    aggiungere brodo quanto bastaadd sufficient o enough stock, add as much stock as is necessary


    (come) siamo ricchi quanto lorowe are as rich as they are

    mi sono riposato quanto mai in questi ultimi tempi — I've had more rest than ever recently

    è una ragazza quanto mai spontanea — she's a very natural girl

    è famoso non tanto per i romanzi quanto per le poesie — he's famous not so much for his novels as for his poetry

    è tanto sciocco quanto cafone — he is as stupid as he is rude, he is both stupid and rude

    quanto è vero Iddio...! — I swear to God...!


    in quanto — (in qualità di) as, (perché, per il fatto che) as, since

    in quanto insegnante — as a teacher

    non ho suonato in quanto temevo di svegliarti — I didn't ring as o since I was afraid I would wake you

    in quanto a — (per ciò che riguarda) as for

    in quanto ai soldi che mi devi... — as for the money you owe me..., as far as the money you owe me is concerned...


    per quanto — (nonostante, anche se) however, (tuttavia) although

    per quanto si sforzi, non riesce — however hard he tries he can't do it

    per quanto sembri complicato — however complicated it may seem

    cercherò di fare qualcosa per lui, per quanto non se lo meriti — I'll try and do something for him although o even though he doesn't deserve it


    quanto meno uno insiste tanto più gli viene offerto — the less one demands the more one is offered

    quanto più mi sforzo di ricordare tanto meno ci riesco — the harder o the more I try to remember the less I succeed

    quanto più presto potrò — as soon as I can

    verrò quanto primaI'll come as soon o as early as possible

    Fis quantum
    * * *
    I 1. ['kwanto]
    aggettivo interrogativo (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many
    pronome interrogativo how much; pl. how many

    a quanto ammontano le perdite?how much o what do the losses come to?

    quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it?

    aggettivo esclamativo

    - i regali! -a gente! — what a lot of gifts, people!

    4. 5.
    aggettivo relativo

    per -i problemi possano avere,... — how ever many problems they may have


    -i — (coloro che) those who

    tutti -i — everybody, one and all

    per quanto ne so — for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge


    quanto costa?how much o what does it cost?

    era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi — it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo)

    aggiungere sale quanto basta — add salt to taste; (con avverbio)

    quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende — the more he earns, the more he spends

    quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa — the less he trains, the more weight he puts on

    per quanto io l'ammiri — however much I admire him, much as I admire him

    per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo — try as I might, I can't do it

    9) (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding
    II ['kwanto]
    sostantivo maschile fis. quantum*
    * * *
      (con nomi non numerabili) how much; (con nomi plurali) how many; quanto zucchero vuoi? how much sugar would you like? quanto tempo è rimasto? how much time is there left? quanto tempo ci hai messo per venire? how long did you take to come? -i giorni occorrono per andarci? how many days does it take to get there? -i anni hai? how old are you? fra quanto tempo arriviamo? when will we get there?
     how much; pl. how many; -i siete? how many of you are there? non so -i partiranno I don't know how many (people) will be leaving; a quanto andava la macchina? how fast was the car going? a quanto ammontano le perdite? how much o what do the losses come to? quanto manca ancora? (di tempo) how much longer is it? (di spazio) how much further is it? quanto c'è da qui al mare? how far is it to the sea? quanto dura il film? how long is the film? how long does the film last? per quanto ne hai? how long will you be? da quanto abiti qui? how long have you been living here? fra quanto potrai uscire? when will you be able to get away? quanto dista casa tua? how far is your house? -i ne abbiamo oggi? what's the date today o today's date?
     -i regali! -a gente! what a lot of gifts, people! quanto tempo ci abbiamo messo! what a long time we took!
     quanto ci sarebbe ancora da dire! a lot more could be said (about that)!
     1 prendi quanto denaro ti occorre take as much money as you need
     2 (preceduto da preposizione) hai notato con -a cattiveria gli ha risposto? did you notice how snappily she answered him? per -i problemi possano avere,... how ever many problems they may have,...
     what; ho quanto occorre I have what I need; non credo a quanto mi ha detto I don't believe what he told me; tutto quanto everything; questo è quanto that's it; -i (coloro che) those who; tutti -i everybody, one and all; è quanto di meglio si possa trovare this is the best that could be found; a quanto dicono if they're to be believed; da quanto ho capito as I understand it; per quanto ne so for all I know, as far as I'm aware, to my knowledge; per quanto mi riguarda as far as I'm concerned
     1 (in frasi interrogative) how much; quanto costa? how much o what does it cost? quanto fa? how much is it? mi piacerebbe sapere quanto lo ha pagato I'd like to know how much o what he paid for it; quanto è grande il giardino? how big is the garden? quanto sei alto? how tall are you? what's your height? quanto pesi? how heavy are you? how much do you weigh?
     2 (in che misura) vedi quanto le cose sono cambiate you can see how much things have changed
     3 (in frasi esclamative) quant'è brutto! how ugly it is! è stupefacente quanto ti assomigli! it's amazing how much he looks like you! quanto lo odio! how I hate him! quanto mi dispiace! how sorry I am! ma quanto sei carina! how nice you look!
     4 (in un comparativo) (con aggettivo) è bravo quanto lui he's as good as him; è tanto bella quanto intelligente she's just as pretty as she is intelligent; era più lontano di quanto non ricordassi it was further away than I remembered; (con verbo) rimani pure quanto vuoi stay as long as you like; lavoro tanto quanto te I work as much as you do; ti aiuterò quanto è possibile I'll help you insofar as I can; ho fatto quanto è possibile I did as much as possible; grande quanto basta big enough ( per to); quanto basta per due just about enough for two; aggiungere sale quanto basta add salt to taste; (con avverbio) quanto prima as soon as possible
     5 quanto più quanto più guadagna, tanto più spende the more he earns, the more he spends
     6 quanto meno quanto meno si allena, tanto più ingrassa the less he trains, the more weight he puts on
     7 per quanto (sebbene) per quanto io l'ammiri however much I admire him, much as I admire him; per quanto ci provi non riesco a farlo try as I might, I can't do it
     9 (in) quanto a as for, concerning, regarding; in quanto a voi as for you; non mi ha detto niente quanto all'ora della riunione he didn't say anything to me concerning o about the time of the meeting.
    sostantivo m.
    fis. quantum*.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > quanto

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